

彼得H. Eichstaedt

通过探索枪支的非法流通途径, 钱, 药物, 以及在美墨边境来回流动的人群, 《十大赌博正规平台在线》揭示了导致暴力的重大政策, 滥用, 和死亡…大多数人认为这只是墨西哥的问题. 他分享了移民们令人大开眼界的故事, 迫切需要工作或与家人团聚, who risk arrest 和 deportation by attempting to cross multiple times; accompanies the border patrol on a nighttime ride as immigrants are caught, then follows them through the system as they are jailed 和 deported; talks to humanitarians who are technically breaking the law by transporting lost, dehydrated migrants; 和 spends time with a Mexican coffee-growing cooperative whose fair-pay ethos eliminates the need for its growers to look to the US for a decent wage. 为恐惧和铁栅栏提供人道的替代方案,并为移民危机提供解决方案, 危险的鸿沟 探讨了美国与墨西哥的痛苦关系, 最终将重点放在有希望的措施上,并为解决边境和移民问题提供合理可行的方法.